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Email Service

Genezio provides a way to send emails with a managed email service.

Active the service for your project

On your project page, click on the Email Service button on the sidebar and install the integration.

Use it in your project

To test your project locally, you have to create a file named .env and store the token there. This file should be in the root directory of your backend.

Use the genezio dashboard under Integrations/Email Service card to copy the token in your .env file.


Add the following code to your project to call the email service:

import { GenezioDeploy } from "@genezio/types";
import { MailService } from "@genezio/email-service";

export class EmailService {
async sendEmail(email: string, subject: string, message: string) {
const response = await MailService.sendMail({
emailServiceToken: process.env.EMAIL_SERVICE_TOKEN,
from: email,
to: email,
subject: subject,
text: message,

if (!response.success) {
return response.errorMessage;

return "success";

Note: Install @genezio/email-service using npm, if you don't have this dependency already in your project:

npm install @genezio/email-service

Now you can use genezio local to start a server locally that will also load up the necessary environment variables to use the email service.

Create more complex emails

Prettify your emails with HTML

async sendEmail(email: string, subject: string, message: string) {
const response = await MailService.sendMail({
emailServiceToken: process.env.EMAIL_SERVICE_TOKEN!,
to: email,
subject: subject,
html: `<html lang="en">
<div class="e"><h1>${message}</h1>

if (!response.success) {
return response.errorMessage;

return "success";

You can add any HTML template static or dynamic you might want.

Add attachments to the email

async sendEmail(email: string, subject: string, message: string) {
const response = await MailService.sendMail({
emailServiceToken: process.env.EMAIL_SERVICE_TOKEN!,
to: email,
subject: subject,
text: message,
attachments: [
filename: "attachment.txt",
content: "Hello world attachment!",

if (!response.success) {
return response.errorMessage;

return "success";

Attachments option in the message object that contains an array of attachment objects. Attachments can be added as many as you want.