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genezio analyze


genezio analyze [--config <config>] [--format <format>] [-h | --help]


This command analyzes the current directory to determine its infrastructure setup. It generates a genezio.yaml file based on the detected configuration. This file helps in managing and deploying your project using Genezio's serverless platform.

If a specific configuration file is provided using the --config option, the command will update the detected setup accordingly.


--config <config>: Use a specific genezio.yaml file to update the detected setup. The default value is ./genezio.yaml.

--format <format>: Specify the output format of the analysis results. Supported values are:

  • json: Outputs the analysis results in JSON format. This format is typically used programmatically to process or integrate the detected infrastructure details with other tools or systems.
  • list: Produces a plain list of the detected infrastructure components. Like json, this format is commonly used programmatically or for quick inspection in scripts.
  • markdown: Generates the results as a Markdown document. This format is ideal for creating a documentation page that describe the detected infrastructure in a human-readable manner.
  • text (default): Provides a plain text summary of the analysis results.

--logLevel <logLevel>: Set the verbosity of the output. The supported values are: trace/debug/info/warn/error. If you don't specify this argument, the default value used is info.

-h | --help: Display a help message for more information on each argument and how to use it.