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Genezio Configuration File

The genezio.yaml file is a configuration file that contains all the settings for deploying your project. It uses YAML syntax to define the project's name, services, backend, frontend, and other configurations.

Usually it is localized in the root directory of your project.

Genezio Configuration File Reference

name: string Required

The name of the project. It is used to identify the project after deployment.


  • Unique per account
  • Must start with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens.
# The name of the project.
name: project-name

region: string Optional

The region where the project will be deployed. If not specified, the default region is us-east-1.

The supported regions are:

us-east-1US, North Virginia
eu-central-1Europe, Frankfurt
# The region where the project is deployed. Available regions: us-east-1, eu-central-1
region: us-east-1

yamlVersion: number Required

The version of the genezio YAML file format. The latest version is 2.

Old format versions may not be supported by latest releases of the Genezio CLI.

# The version of the Genezio YAML configuration to parse.
yamlVersion: 2

services: Array Optional

The services that can be added to the project. This field can be omitted if the project does not have any services.

The services available in Genezio are:

  • databases
  • authentication
  • email

databases: Array Optional

The databases that can be added to the project. This field can be omitted if the project does not have any databases.

Multiple databases can be added to the project by adding multiple objects to the databases array.

- name: my-database
region: us-east-1

Enabling a database service will automatically set an environment variable <DATABASE_NAME>_DATABASE_URL that can be used to connect to the database. For example, if the database name is my-postgres, the environment variable will be MY_POSTGRES_DATABASE_URL.

This resource exposes uri as an output expression: ${{services.databases.<database-name>.uri}}.

name: string Required

The name of the database. It is used to identify the database.

region: string Optional

The region where the database will be deployed. If not specified, the default region the same as the project's region.

You should choose the region that is closest to your server to reduce latency.

The supported regions are:

us-east-1US, North Virginia
eu-central-1Europe, Frankfurt
eu-east-2US, Ohio
us-west-2US, Oregon
ap-southeast-1Asia Pacific, Singapore
ap-southeast-2Asia Pacific, Sidney

type: string Optional

The default value is postgres-neon.

authentication: Object Optional

The authentication service can be enabled for the project. This field can be omitted if the project does not require authentication.

name: my-database
email: true
web3: true
clientId: ${{env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}}
clientSecret: ${{env.GOOGLE_SECRET}}
redirectUrl: https://${{frontend.<frontend-name>.subdomain}}

This resource exposes token and region as an output expression:

  • ${{services.authentication.token}}.
  • ${{services.authentication.region}}.

database: Object Required

You can reference a database by name. The database should be defined in the services.databases field.

- name: my-database
region: us-east-1
name: my-database

Or you can specify an external (bring-your-own) database by type and uri directly:

Example for PostgreSQL:

type: "postgresql"
uri: ${{env.POSTGRES_DB_URI}}

Example for MongoDB:

type: "mongodb"
uri: ${{env.MONGO_DB_URI}}

Note: You should have a .env file where you define the POSTGRES_DB_URI or MONGO_DB_URI environment variables.

You can use expression to define the environment variables. Check the Usage section for more information.

providers: Object Optional

Authentication providers such as Email, Web3/Metamask or Google can be added to the project.

This field can be omitted if you don't want to enable any authentication providers.

email: true
web3: true
clientId: ${{env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}}
clientSecret: ${{env.GOOGLE_SECRET}}

settings: Object Optional

Using this field, the redirectUrl for password reset and email verification can be set.

redirectUrl: https://${{frontend.<frontend-name>.subdomain}}
redirectUrl: https://${{frontend.<frontend-name>.subdomain}}

More details on how to use these settings can be found in the Authentication section.

email: boolean Optional

The email service can be enabled for the project. This field can be omitted if the project does not require an email service.

email: true

backend: Object Optional

The backend configuration. This field can be omitted if the project does not have a backend.

path: string Required

The path where the backend code is located. It is relative to the genezio.yaml file.

If the classes field is not specified, the backend path is also used to recursively locate the classes.

If scripts are declared in the scripts field, they will be executed from this path.

language: Object Required

  • name: ts | js | go | dart | kotlin Required

    The programming language used to implement the backend.

  • runtime: nodejs20.x Optional

    The node runtime version that will be used by your NodeJS application. The default value is nodejs20.x.

    Applicable only when is ts or js.

  • packageManager: npm | pnpm | yarn Optional

    The package manager used to install the project's dependencies. The default value is npm.

    Applicable only when is ts or js.

  • architecture: x86_64 Optional

    The architecture that will be use by your application on the cloud. The default value is x86_64.

classes: Array Optional

  • path: string Required

    The source file path at which the class can be located. Relative to the path field.

  • name: string Optional

    Indicate the name of the class to be deployed.

    Used only for backend classes written in Dart because there is no mechanism to export only a specific class from a Dart file.

  • type: jsonrpc | http | cron Optional

    If not specified, jsonrpc is assumed as the default value.

  • methods: Array Optional

    • name: string Required

      The name of the method. It should be the same name as in the code.

    • type: jsonrpc | http | cron Optional

      If not specified, the value of this field will be set as the class's type property.

    • cronString: string Required only when type is cron.

      The cron string that specifies how frequently the method should be called. Check the cron string format on

environment: Object Optional

The environment variables that will be set for the backend. The variables can be accessed in the code using process.env.

You can use expression to define the environment variables. Check the Usage section for more information.

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2

MY_ENV_VAR: my-value
MY_DATABASE_NAME: ${{services.databases.<database-name>.name}}

scripts: Object Optional

The scripts that run before special backend events occur. If a list is provided to any of the fields, the scripts will be executed sequentially and in case one fails, the execution will be stopped.

Variables can be used in the scripts. Check the Usage section for more information.

  • deploy: string | string[] Optional

    A general purpose script that runs before the backend is deployed.

  • local: string | string[] Optional

    A general purpose script that runs before starting the local testing environment.

Basic backend deployment

# The name of the project.
name: project-name
# The region where the project is deployed.
region: us-east-1
# The version of the Genezio YAML configuration to parse.
yamlVersion: 2
# The root directory of the backend.
path: .
# Information about the backend's programming language.
# The name of the programming language.
name: ts
# The package manager used by the backend.
packageManager: npm
# Scripts are running in the specified `path` directory.
# List of scripts to run before deploying the backend.
deploy: npm install
# List of scripts to run before starting `genezio local`.
local: npm install

functions: Array Optional

The functions that will be deployed to the cloud. This field can be omitted if the project does not have any functions.

This resource exposes url as an output expression: ${{backend.functions.<function-name>.url}}.

  • name: string Required

    This is a label to identify your function in the dashboard for monitoring and logging purposes.

  • path: string Required

    The path to the function's code. It is relative to the path field.

  • handler: string Required

    The name of the handler function. For example, if the handler function is myHandler, the code should look like this:

    export const myHandler = async (event, context) => {
    // Your code here
  • entry: string Required

    The file that contains the function. The extension for this file can be .js, .cjs or .mjs.

  • type: string Optional

    The type of the function. The default value is aws.

Backend with functions deployment

# The name of the project.
name: express-app
# The region where the project is deployed. Available regions: us-east-1, eu-central-1
region: us-east-1
# The version of the Genezio YAML configuration to parse.
yamlVersion: 2
# The root directory of the backend.
path: ./
# Information about the backend's programming language.
# The name of the programming language.
name: js
# The package manager used by the backend.
packageManager: npm
# Information about the backend's functions.
# The name (label) of the function.
- name: hello-world-express-app-function
# The path to the function's code.
path: ./
# The name of the function handler
handler: handler
# The entry point for the function.
entry: app.mjs
# The compatibility of the function handler.
type: aws

frontend: Object | Array Optional

The frontend configuration. This field can be omitted if the project does not have a frontend.

Can be an object or an array of objects if the project has multiple frontends.

name: string Optional

The name of the frontend. It is used to identify the frontend inside the configuration file.

path: string Required

The path where the frontend code is located. It is relative to the genezio.yaml file.

If scripts are declared in the scripts field, they will be executed from this path.

sdk: Object Optional

The Genezio SDK configuration. If not specified, no SDK will be generated for your frontend.

  • language: ts | js | go | dart | kotlin | swift | python Required

    Decides the language in which the Genezio SDK is generated.

  • path: string Optional

    The path where the Genezio SDK is generated. It is relative to the path field.

    If not specified, the SDK will be generated in ${path}/sdk.

Decides the language in which the Genezio SDK is generated.

If not specified, no SDK will be generated for your frontend.

publish: string Optional

The path to the frontend build. It is relative to the path field.

If not specified, the frontend will not be deployed to the CDN.

subdomain: string Optional

The subdomain where the frontend will be deployed.

If not specified, a random subdomain will be generated.

environment: Object Optional

The environment variables that will be inject at build time. The variables can be accessed in the code using process.env.


Each frontend framework will require a specific prefix for environment variables. For example, in Vite, you can access environment variables using process.env.VITE_MY_ENV_VAR.

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2

VITE_MY_ENV_VAR: my-value
VITE_MY_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{services.authentication.token}}
VITE_MY_AUTH_REGION: ${{services.authentication.region}}
VITE_MY_FUNCTION_URL: ${{backend.functions.<function-name>.url}}

These environment variables are injected at build time when are run.

scripts: Object Optional

The scripts that run before special frontend events occur. If a list is provided to any of the fields, the scripts will be executed sequentially and in case one fails, the execution will be stopped.

Variables can be used in the scripts. Check the Usage section for more information.

  • deploy: string | string[] Optional

    A general purpose script that runs before the frontend is deployed.

  • build: string | string[] Optional

    A script that builds the frontend and populates the publish directory. It runs before the frontend is deployed.

  • start: string | string[] Optional

    A script that starts the frontend dev server. It runs only during local development.

Example of frontend deployment

# The name of the project.
name: project-name
# The region where the project is deployed.
region: us-east-1
# The version of the Genezio YAML configuration to parse.
yamlVersion: 2
# Information about the frontend, including the path, language, and publish directory.
# It is optional. It can also be an array if there are multiple frontends you want to deploy.
# The folder where the frontend scripts will run.
path: .
# Specifies information about the SDK generation. If not specified, the SDK will not be generated for this frontend.
# The language the SDK will be written in. Usually the same as the frontend language.
language: ts
# The directory that will be published to the CDN. It is relative to the `path` directory.
publish: dist
# Scripts are running in the specified `path` directory.
# List of scripts to run before deploying the frontend.
- npm install @genezio-sdk/${{projectName}}@1.0.0-${{stage}}
- npm install
# List of scripts that build your frontend before deployment. It should populate the specified `publish` directory.
build: npm run build
# List of scripts to run when starting the local development server.
- npm install
- npm run dev


The genezio.yaml supports a set of expandable expressions that can be used in the configuration file. These variables are replaced with their values when resources are created or when scripts are executed.

Genezio supports the following formats:

  • ${{env.ENV_KEY}} - this will be loaded from a .env file or from the global process environment variables.
  • {{resource.path.field}} - this format can be used to reference fields from the genezio.yaml itself - e.g. {{backend.functions.<function-name>.name}}.

Expressions can be used in the following YAML fields:

  • backend.environment
  • frontend.environment
  • services.authentication.database.uri
  • services.authentication.settings.resetPassword.redirectUrl
  • services.authentication.settings.emailVerification.redirectUrl

You can concatenate expressions with strings - e.g. prefix-${{env.ENV_KEY}}-suffix.

name: my-project
region: us-east-1
yamlVersion: 2
# ...
# ...
VITE_MY_ENV_VAR: my-value
VITE_MY_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{services.authentication.token}}
VITE_MY_AUTH_REGION: ${{services.authentication.region}}
VITE_MY_FUNCTION_URL: ${{backend.functions.<function-name>.url}}


Genezio supports the following variables:

  • ${{projectName}}: The name of the project.
  • ${{stage}}: The stage of the deployment. It can be set using the --stage flag in the CLI:

Variables can be used in the following fields:

  • backend.scripts
  • frontend.scripts
name: my-project
region: us-east-1
yamlVersion: 2
# ...
deploy: echo "Deploying ${{projectName}} to stage ${{stage}}"

Output Variables

Genezio supports the output variables for specific resources:

  • ${{services.databases.<database-name>.uri}}: The URI of the database.
  • ${{services.authentication.token}}: The token of the authentication service.
  • ${{services.authentication.region}}: The region of the authentication service.
  • ${{backend.functions.<function-name>.url}}: The URL of the function.

These can be used to inject the values into the environment variables of the backend or as environment variables at build time for the frontend.


How to set the node runtime version for TypeScript and JavaScript projects

To set the node runtime version for TypeScript and JavaScript projects, you need to add the backend.language.runtime field to the genezio.yaml file.

For example, to set the node runtime version to Node 20, you can use the following configuration:

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2
path: .
name: ts
# Set the node runtime version to Node 20
runtime: nodejs20.x

How to set the package manager for TypeScript and JavaScript projects

To set the package manager for TypeScript and JavaScript projects, you need to add the backend.language.packageManager field to the genezio.yaml file.

For example, to set the package manager to pnpm, you can use the following configuration:

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2
path: .
name: ts
# Set the package manager to pnpm
packageManager: pnpm

How to set the architecture type

To set the architecture type for your deployed project, you need to add the backend.language.architecture field to the genezio.yaml file.

For example, to set the architecture to x86_64, you can use the following configuration:

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2
path: .
name: ts
# Set the node runtime version to Node 20
architecture: x86_64

Add a Postgres

To add a PostgreSQL database to your project, you need to add the databases field to the services field in the genezio.yaml file.

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2

- name: my-database
region: us-east-1

Enable authentication

To add an authentication provider to your project, you need to add the authentication field to the services field in the genezio.yaml file.

You can either reference an existing database created in the Genezio architecture or specify the database type and URI directly.

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2

- name: my-database
region: us-east-1
name: my-database
email: true
web3: true
clientId: ${{env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}}
clientSecret: ${{env.GOOGLE_SECRET}}

Configure the reset password and email verification redirect URLs

To configure the reset password and email verification redirect URLs, you need to add the settings field to the authentication field in the genezio.yaml file.

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2

- name: my-database
region: us-east-1
name: my-database
email: true
web3: true
clientId: ${{env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}}
clientSecret: ${{env.GOOGLE_SECRET}}
redirectUrl: https://${{frontend.<frontend-name>.subdomain}}
redirectUrl: https://${{frontend.<frontend-name>.subdomain}}

Enable email service

To add an email service to your project, you need to add the email field to the services field in the genezio.yaml file.

name: my-project
yamlVersion: 2

email: true