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Project Structure

There are 2 recommend ways of structuring your project:

  1. Fullstack single repository - all the files will be placed in a single repository/directory.
  2. Component-dedicated repositories - the files will be placed in multiple distinct repositories/directories - one backend and one or more frontend repositories.

The sections below help you understand what the approach to choose that make sense for your project and team's needs.

Single repository approach

You can use the genezio create fullstack command to create a new project with the correct structure and configurations for a single repository project.

A possible structure for a fullstack single repository can be:

Single repository
├── genezio.yaml
├── .genezioignore
├── server/
│ ├── .env
│ ├── models/
│ ├── node_modules/
│ ├── package.json
│ └── index.ts
└── client/
├── node_modules/
├── src/
├── build/
└── package.json

Generally, genezio commands should be executed at the same location of the genezio.yaml configuration file.

Hence, for project structured in a single repository, commands such as genezio deploy and genezio local will be executed in the project's root directory.

A possible genezio.yaml configuration file for a fullstack single repository can be:

name: getting-started
region: us-east-1
yamlVersion: 2
path: server
name: ts
path: client
language: ts
publish: dist

For more info on the genezio.yaml configuration file, check genezio-configuration-file.

To ignore specific files while locally testing your project, you can use .genezioignore.

Multi-repository approach

This approach is useful when you want to decouple the development process of the frontend from and backend, allowing different teams to work independently of each other.

You can use the genezio create fullstack --multirepo command to create a new project with the correct structure and configurations for a multi-repository project.

The server repository

In the server repository you can add the source code related to the backend - classes, the configuration files for deploying the backend or environment variable files.

A possible structure for a multi-repository approach can be:

Server repository
├── genezio.yaml
├── .genezioignore
├── .env
├── models/
├── node_modules/
├── package.json
└── index.ts

To ignore specific files while locally testing your project, you can use .genezioignore.

The minimum configuration file for the backend code to be deployed is:

name: my-project
path: .
name: ts
deploy: npm install

For more info on genezio.yaml check Genezio Configuration File.

The client repository

In the client repository you can add the source code related to the frontend that will use the functions deployed in the backend.

A possible structure for the frontend directory, using a multi-repository approach can be:

Client repository
├── genezio.yaml
├── .genezioignore
├── node_modules/
├── src/
├── build/
└── package.json

The minimum configuration file for the frontend code to be deployed is:

name: my-project
path: .
language: ts

The project name defined in the genezio.yaml file should coincide in both the backend and frontend repositories.

To install the genezio generated SDK in your frontend to call your deployed methods, run:

npm install @genezio-sdk/<project-name>@1.0.0-<environment>

This command will fetch the SDK from a private registry hosted on the genezio platform for you. For more information, check the Generated SDK section.

While developing locally, genezio local can hot-reload your Genezio SDK to reflect the changes in your backend code. This is useful for avoiding the need to manually generate the SDK every time you make changes to your backend code. For this to work, you need to tell genezio where your client repository is located, to be able to install the SDK automatically in that path.

To link your client repository to a deployed backend server, run:

genezio link --projectName <name> --region <region>

Alternatively, if you have a genezio.yaml configured in the client directory, the genezio link command can automatically infer the project name and region:

name: my-project
region: us-east-1
path: .
language: ts
publish: dist

For more details on the genezio generated SDK, check out the section Generated Sdk.

To ignore specific files while locally testing your project, you can use .genezioignore.


Certain settings or commands are path-specific and should be executing at the correct location in order to work.

If you encounter any errors or difficulties to test locally or deploy, check that the following list:

genezio deploy and genezio local should always be executed at the same location where the genezio.yaml configuration file is saved.

genezio link or genezio unlink are specifically useful in a multi-repository structure. These commands are used to link/unlink the genezio Generated SDK in the client directory.

Depending on the project's structure (single repository or multi-repositories), you may need to update the paths for the:

  • deployment scripts in the genezio.yaml file
  • the frontend publish directory
  • the environment variables file

For more details and examples on how to correctly set the paths, check out the section Genezio Configuration File.

Most of these settings are already taken care for you when starting from genezio's official templates or examples. Check out the Getting Started tutorial to see how.