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Upgrading to v1

This document provides information on how to upgrade your Genezio project after the release of Genezio CLI v1.0.0.

genezio.yaml version 2

The genezio.yaml configuration file format has been updated to version 2. We have made this change because we felt that the configuration file was not as intuitive as it could be. The new format is more intuitive and easier to understand.

The main changes are:

  • A new yamlVersion field has been added to the root of the file. It should always be set to 2.
  • All backend fields have been grouped under one backend key.
  • All frontend fields have been grouped under one frontend key.
  • You can deploy multiple frontends by adding an array of frontends under the frontend key.

We have added a migration tool in genezio v1.0 to help you migrate your genezio.yaml file to version 2. To use the migration tool, you just need to run any genezio command:

❯ genezio local
? Your project configuration is using an old version of the YAML configuration file. Would you like to migrate it to the latest version? Yes

Here is an example of how the genezio.yaml file has changed from version 1 to version 2:

genezio.yaml v1
name: todo-list-ts
region: us-east-1
language: ts
cloudProvider: genezio
preBackendDeploy: npm install
preFrontendDeploy: npm run install-prod-sdk && npm install && npm run build
preStartLocal: cd client && npm install && cd ../server && npm install
path: ./client/dist
packageManager: npm
backend: server
frontend: client
genezio.yaml v2
name: todo-list-ts
region: us-east-1
yamlVersion: 2
path: server
name: ts
packageManager: npm
deploy: npm install
local: npm install
cloudProvider: genezio
path: client
publish: dist
- npm run install-prod-sdk
- npm install
build: npm run build

If you still have questions about how to migrate your genezio.yaml file to version 2, please refer to the Genezio Configuration File documentation or check our examples.

Remove region from SDK

In the Genezio CLI v1.0.0 release, we updated the generated SDK NPM package name by removing region for a more intuitive naming convention.

For instance, if you have a project called my-project in the us-east-1 region, creating the SDK before Genezio CLI v1.0 will result in an NPM package called @genezio-sdk/my-project_us-east-1. From Genezio CLI v1.0 onward, the package will be named @genezio-sdk/my-project, maintaining the same functionality while being more intuitive.

We advise adopting the updated SDK naming convention. To migrate you have to do the following steps:

  1. Make sure you don't have any reference in scripts in package.json to @genezio-sdk/<project_name>_<project_region>.
"name": "todo-list-ts",
"scripts": {
"install-prod-sdk": "npm install @genezio-sdk/todo-list-ts_us-east-1@1.0.0-prod"
"install-prod-sdk": "npm install @genezio-sdk/todo-list-ts@1.0.0-prod"
"dependencies": {
"@genezio-sdk/todo-list-ts_us-east-1": "^1.0.0-prod",
  1. After updating the Genezio CLI and deploying for the first time, run npm install @genezio-sdk/<project_name>.
  2. Replace all Genezio SDK imports in your frontend project.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import {
} from "@genezio-sdk/todo-list-ts_us-east-1";
} from "@genezio-sdk/todo-list-ts";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";

  1. Make sure that there are no more references to @genezio-sdk/<project_name>_<project_region>.

It is not completely mandatory to switch right away. If you continue using the old name SDK package name, NPM will create an alias in your package.json. In that case, your package.json will look like this:

"dependencies": {
"@genezio-sdk/<project_name>_<project_region>": "npm:@genezio-sdk/<project_name>",

However, you might still have problems if you are using genezio local. It's better to do the change as soon as possible to avoid any unpleasant errors further on.

Update Github Actions

If you previously used the genezio-github-action to install genezio in a CI/CD environment, you have to modify your Github Actions to use the tag @v1 instead of @main.

Example: In a CI/CD environment, install genezio version v1.x.x:

- uses: Genez-io/genezio-github-action@main
- uses: Genez-io/genezio-github-action@v1
token: ${{ secrets.GENEZIO_TOKEN }}