React-Admin is a frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top Genezio's APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design. .
Get started in no time with the React-Admin template.
Learn how to deploy an existing react-admin app using Genezio, a serverless deployment platform that simplifies app management and reduces costs.
1. Install genezio
Use your preferred package manager to install Genezio:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
npm install genezio -g
pnpm add -g genezio
yarn add global genezio
2. Start from an existing react-admin template
Create a react-admin app using the following steps:
Create a Hello World react-admin App
1. Fork our react-admin template repository on github
Go to and fork the repo.
2. Clone the newly created repository locally
git clone YOUR_REPO_URL
cd react-admin-getting-started
3. Run the react-admin App locally
Run the following command to start the react-admin app:
genezio local
4. Test the react-admin App locally
Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173/ to see the app running.
Deploy the app
In your terminal window first stop genezio local
if it was already running, then run the following command to deploy your app to the Genezio cloud:
genezio deploy
You should now see 2 URLs in the terminal window with the following format:
$ App Dashboard URL:<project-id>/<stage-id>
$ Frontend URL: https://<subdomain>
Set-up the app
1. Setup Genezio's Authentication on this project
You don't want anyone to be able to access your APIs and make updates to the contents, so we will set-up Genezio's authentication feature on this project.
First you need to go to the App Dashboard URL that was listed in the output of the genezio deploy
On the app dashboard page, click "Authentication" on the left-side menu to enable the auth feature on this project. You might need to create a database in the process, but this should be quite straight-forward.
Next, enable the Email provider from the list of providers.
On the same page you will find a Token and a Region. Open the /client/src/authProvider.ts
file and update the authToken variable with the Token on this page.
2. Update the reset password URL to match your domain
In the App Dashboard URL web page, go to Authentication / Settings and select Email Templates.
Now open the "Reset Password" section and enter https://<subdomain>
Change https://<subdomain>
to use the Frontend URL as returned by the genezio deploy command.
3. Redeploy your project
Finally, let's redeploy your project:
genezio deploy
4. Test your deployed project
Go to the Frontend URL in your browser to test the newly created app
5. Understand how your React Admin app calls the Genezio backend.
Open the client/src/App.tsx
file and see how the Admin component uses the authProvider and the dataProvider.
You will also see two resources, BlogPosts and Categories. These frontend resources have backend equivalents in the server/
folder. For example, open the server/Categories.ts
file to see how it's implemented.
The server-side implementation uses a simple JSON to store the data. Next, I encourage you to go and replace this with an actual SQL table in your PostgreSQL database already created. See this tutorial to understand how to do this.
We invite you to join our community on Discord for further information and help.
Happy Learning!