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Cron Example


The source code for this example is public on the following GitHub repository.

Genezio cron application

This is a simple project with a server that schedules some code to execute every minute


Project Structure

Inside the project folder, you will find the following files and folders:

├── genezio.yaml
├── index.js
└── package.json

Genezio looks for genezio.yaml to read the settings for deploying the project or for spinning a local dev server for testing.

Run the project

Clone this example

Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the following directory:

cd ./genezio-examples/javascript/cron

Test your project locally

Test the project locally:

genezio local

Deploy your project with genezio

If you wish to deploy your project to the Genezio infrastructure, follow these steps:

Log in to Genezio using the command genezio login:

genezio login

Deploy your project using the genezio deploy command from the ./genezio-examples/javascript/cron directory.

genezio deploy


All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

npm install -g genezioInstalls genezio globally
genezio loginLogs in to genezio
genezio localStarts a local server
genezio deployDeploys a production project
genezio --helpGet help using genezio

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