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Todo List with React


Running dart on the backend side is still experimental work. If you encounter any issues, please let us know by creating a new GitHub issue.


The source code for this example is public on the following GitHub repository.

This is an example of a todo application that uses:

  • Dart for the backend
  • React for the frontend
  • MongoDB
  • genezio for developing and deploying the project

Note: genezio deploy deploys both backend and frontend. If you want to test this example out-of-the-box by running 1 command, head to the server directory and run genezio deploy.

If you want to deploy your application step-by-step, follow the guidelines below.


  1. Host a Mongo Database. Follow this tutorial to get a free tier database.
  2. Create a server/.env file and add the following environment variables:

Clone the example

  1. Run git clone
  2. Navigate to the folder cd ./genezio-examples/dart/todo-list-react-typescript


  1. Run dart pub get in the server/ folder to install the dependencies.
  2. Run npm install && npm run build in the client/ folder to install the dependencies.

Run the example locally

  1. Run genezio local in the server/ folder to start the local server.
  2. Start the Flutter app by going to the client/ folder and run flutter run -d chrome.

Deploy the example in the genezio infrastructure

  1. Run genezio deploy --backend in the server/ folder that contains also the genezio.yaml file. This will deploy your code in the genezio infrastructure and it will also create an SDK that can be used to call the methods remotely.
  2. Start the Flutter app by going to the client/ folder and run flutter run -d chrome.

Deploy the frontend in genezio Infrastructure

  1. Run npm install && npm run build in the client/ folder to build the Flutter app.
  2. Run genezio deploy --frontend in the server folder to deploy the frontend in the genezio infrastructure.

Github files are available here.