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This section contains a list of examples on how to use genezio.

Each example is open-source and it makes a good template to start your project from. You can find more details on how to use and deploy each example in it's dedicated section.


ExampleShort Description
Getting StartedA getting started template
Hello WorldJust a hello world application
Todo List ReactA todo list with auth in NodeJs, React and Mongo
Todo List AngularA todo list with auth in NodeJs, Angular and Mongo
Todo List FlutterA todo list with auth in NodeJs, Flutter and Mongo
Webhook ExampleAn example on how to use webhooks
CRUD AppA user management CRUD app built with NodeJs, React and Postgres
Trivia AppA trivia app built with NodeJs, React and Prisma
Multiversx AppAn app that checks the balance of a wallet
Sopping Cart AppA shopping cart feature built with NodeJs, React and Redis


ExampleShort Description
Getting StartedA getting started template
Hello WorldJust a hello world application
Todo List React, MongoA todo list with auth in NodeJs, React and Mongo
Todo List React, SQLA todo list with auth in NodeJs, React and MySQL
Todo List Vue, MongoA todo list with auth in NodeJs, Vue and Mongo
Webhook ExampleAn example on how to use webhooks
Vanilla HTMLA simple vanilla html app
Cron ExampleAn example on how to use scheduled methods
Smart Contract IndexerApp that queries Ethereum smart contract events
OpenAI RephraserAn app that rephrases sentences using OpenAI/ChatGTP
StripeExample of a simple checkout with Stripe