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genezio deploy


genezio deploy [--backend] [--frontend] [--stage <stage_name>] [--env <envFile>] [--subdomain <subdomain>] [--installDeps] [--logLevel <logLevel>] [-h | --help]



You must be authenticated to use this command.

This command deploys your project to the genezio infrastructure and generates the SDK. You can then use it to access the functions from the cloud.

In case some of your methods are of type: http, calling this command will return some links as output in the CLI. You can use these links to call your type: http methods.


If you execute this command without --backend or --frontend both the backend and the frontend will be deployed.

If you executed this command with the --backend option, the backend code specified in the genezio.yaml configuration file will be deployed.

If you executed this command with the --frontend option, the frontend code specified in the genezio.yaml configuration file will be deployed.

--install-deps: Automatically install missing dependencies. By default this behavior is turned off.

--logLevel <logLevel>: Set the verbosity of the output. The supported values are: trace/debug/info/warn/error. If you don't specify this argument, the default value used is info.

-h | --help: Display a help message for more information on each argument and how to use it.