
FerretDB + Genezio: Use MongoDB Drivers with PostgreSQL


14 minutes read


Costin Sin

Oct 01, 2024

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FerretDB is an open-source alternative to MongoDB that allows you to use MongoDB drivers seamlessly with a PostgreSQL as the database backend. It acts like a proxy that understands the MongoDB wire protocol and translates the requests to SQL queries that are executed on the PostgreSQL database.

This tutorial will guide you through setting up FerretDB with Genezio Functions and connecting to a PostgreSQL database provided by Genezio.


You’ll deploy FerretDB on Genezio, connect it to a PostgreSQL database, and interact with it using MongoDB drivers—no code changes needed!


It is important to open the example code in either the browser or a code editor because this tutorial will reference the code in the repository. The example is ready to be deployed to Genezio, so no additional code changes from your side will be necessary.


There are two ways to deploy the FerretDB example:

  • Automatic deployment
    Deploy the code directly from browser with our one-click deployment button.

  • Manual deployment
    Clone the repository, install the genezio CLI and then run genezio deploy in the repository root.

    git clone https://github.com/Genez-io/ferretdb-example.git && cd ferretdb-example
    npm install -g genezio
    genezio deploy

Project architecture explanation

The example contains a simple Genezio serverless function that opens a FerretDB proxy, connects to the proxy using MongoDB drivers, inserts a new document into a collection, and queries the collection for all documents. The function returns the list of documents as a response.

Packing the FerretDB executable alongside your functions

The FerretDB proxy is released as a single executable file build from Golang sources. At the moment of writing this article, the Genezio serverless functions run on a Linux environment using an x86-64 architecture.

To pack the FerretDB executable alongside your functions, we have downloaded the latest ferretdb-linux-amd64 binary from the FerretDB releases page and placed it in the root of the example repository with the name ferretdb.

Setting up the PostgreSQL database

We provision a PostgreSQL database through Genezio using the database services configuration inside the genezio.yaml file. The database is created with the following configuration:

        - name: my-postgres
          type: postgres-neon

We intentionally omit the region field of the database configuration and let the database be created in the same region as the project region. This way, we reduce the latency between the database and the functions.

Starting the FerretDB proxy

The FerretDB proxy will be started only once per function instance as a separate process that listens on a local port. The proxy will forward the MongoDB requests to the PostgreSQL database. To start the proxy, the following code was added to the ferret.mjs file:

import { exec } from "child_process";
import util from "util";
import path from "path";

 * Start the FerretDB proxy in the background.
function startFerretDB() {
    const execAsync = util.promisify(exec);

    console.log("Starting FerretDB...");

    execAsync(path.resolve("./ferretdb"), {
        cwd: "/tmp",
        env: {
            FERRETDB_TELEMETRY: "disable",
            FERRETDB_LISTEN_ADDR: "",
    }).catch((err) => {

// Start the FerretDB proxy only once during the cold start of the function

By calling the startFerretDB function outside of the exported handler function, we make sure that the FerretDB process will only start once, during the cold start of the function. Subsequent requests will reuse the already running FerretDB process, so the time overhead of starting the proxy is minimized.

Generating the MongoDB connection string from the PostgreSQL connection string

The MongoDB connection string needs to contain the username, the password, and the database name from the PostgreSQL connection string. The following function converts a PostgreSQL URL to a MongoDB URL using the FerretDB conventions:

 * Convert a PostgreSQL URL to a MongoDB URL using the FerretDB conventions.
 * @param {string} postgresUrl The PostgreSQL URL to convert.
 * @returns {string} The MongoDB URL.
function postgresUrlToMongoUrl(postgresUrl) {
    const [, user, password, , , database] = postgresUrl.match(

    return `mongodb://${user}:${password}@${database}?authMechanism=PLAIN`;

Connecting to the FerretDB proxy using the generated MongoDB connection string

The PostgreSQL connection string is automatically added to the environment by Genezio IaC. Because we named the database my-postgres, the connection string is available in the MY_POSTGRES_DATABASE_URL environment variable. The following code uses the mongoose library to connect to the MongoDB database using the generated connection string:

import mongoose from "mongoose";

// Connect to the MongoDB database

Create a Mongoose model for the MongoDB collection

It is important to define your Mongoose models outside of the exported handler function to avoid redefining them on each request. Redefining a Mongoose model will result in a runtime error.

import mongoose from "mongoose";

// Define a Person model
let Person = mongoose.model("Person", { name: String, age: Number });

export const handler = async (_event) => {
    // Your function code that uses the Person model here

Downsides of using this approach

  • The FerretDB proxy runs as a separate process and won’t restart automatically if it crashes, requiring you to implement monitoring and restart mechanisms.
  • Since the proxy runs inside the function instance, it’s inaccessible externally, preventing connections from local machines or other environments. This limits the use of database clients like MongoDB Compass, DBeaver, or TablePlus for database inspection.

Benefits of Using FerretDB with PostgreSQL

While MongoDB is a powerful database, there are several reasons why developers might prefer FerretDB, especially when working with PostgreSQL:

  • Open-Source Flexibility: FerretDB is fully open-source, avoiding the licensing restrictions tied to proprietary MongoDB versions.
  • Familiar MongoDB Ecosystem: FerretDB allows you to keep using MongoDB drivers and tools, meaning existing codebases can be easily migrated with minimal changes.
  • PostgreSQL Stability: FerretDB leverages PostgreSQL’s stability, reliability, and powerful relational database features like ACID compliance, mature tools, and excellent performance.
  • No Vendor Lock-In: With FerretDB, you’re not tied to MongoDB-specific infrastructure, giving you greater flexibility. PostgreSQL is widely supported across platforms and cloud providers.
  • Cost Efficiency: PostgreSQL’s open-source nature makes it cost-effective for long-term projects, and using FerretDB helps you benefit from MongoDB’s API without the associated costs.
  • Lower Latency in Some Setups: By hosting both the application and database in the same region through Genezio, you reduce latency, leading to faster query times and improved performance.

FerretDB offers the best of both worlds by combining the flexibility of MongoDB drivers with the power of PostgreSQL, making it a powerful option for teams that want the performance and reliability of relational databases without giving up MongoDB’s document model.


With this setup, you can run MongoDB drivers on top of a PostgreSQL backend using FerretDB and Genezio Functions—without any heavy lifting. This solution lets you combine the scalability of Genezio with the flexibility of MongoDB drivers and the power of PostgreSQL.

If you have any questions or need help with the example code, feel free to reach out to us on the Genezio Discord server.

Happy coding!

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