
How to Access Google Sheets Data Using a Service Account


30 minutes read


Bogdan Ripa

Oct 14, 2024

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Accessing Google Sheets data programmatically can be essential for server-side applications that need to read or manipulate spreadsheet data without human interaction. Whether you’re automating reports, synchronizing data, or managing inventory systems, accessing Google Sheets through a Service Account provides a secure and efficient solution for backend environments.

This tutorial will guide you through accessing a Google Sheet’s data from Genezio using a Service Account, which is ideal for server environments.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • A Genezio account.
  • A Google Account: Access to the Google Cloud Console.
  • An Existing Google Spreadsheet: A Google Sheet that you want to access.

Step-by-Step Guide to Access Google Sheets Data

We’ll cover the following steps:

  1. Enable the Google Sheets API in your Google Cloud project.
  2. Create a Service Account and generate a key file.
  3. Share the Spreadsheet with the Service Account email.
  4. Create a Genezio project starting from an existing template.
  5. Update the project with your personal data and credentials.
  6. Test the project to verify everything works.

Step 1: Enable the Google Sheets API

To access Google Sheets programmatically, you first need to enable the Google Sheets API in your Google Cloud project.

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.

  2. Create a New Project (if you don’t have one):

    • Click the project dropdown at the top of the page.
    • Click New Project.
    • Enter a project name (e.g., “Google Sheets Node.js Access”).
    • Click Create.
  3. Select Your Project:

    • Ensure your new project is selected in the project dropdown.
  4. Enable the Google Sheets API:

    • Navigate to APIs & Services > Dashboard.
    • Click Enable APIs and Services.
    • Search for Google Sheets API.
    • Click on Google Sheets API and then click Enable.

    With the API enabled, your project can now interact with Google Sheets data programmatically, preparing for the next steps.

Step 2: Create a Service Account and Generate a Key File

A Service Account allows server-side applications to authenticate without user interaction.

  1. Navigate to Service Accounts:

    • Go to APIs & Services > Credentials.
    • Click on Create Credentials and select Service Account.
  2. Create a Service Account:

    • Service Account Name: Enter a name (e.g., “sheets-access-account”).
    • Service Account ID: This will auto-populate based on the name.
    • Description: Optional.
    • Click Create and Continue.
  3. Set Service Account Permissions:

    • For this tutorial, you don’t need to grant any specific roles.
    • Click Continue.
  4. Grant Users Access to This Service Account:

    • Skip this step by clicking Done.
  5. Generate a JSON Key File:

    • You should now see your service account listed.
    • Click on the Service Account you just created.
    • Navigate to the Keys tab.
    • Click Add Key > Create New Key.
    • Choose JSON as the key type.
    • Click Create.
    • A JSON key file will be downloaded to your computer (e.g., service-account-key.json).
  6. Secure the Key File:

Important: Do not commit this file to version control. It’s sensitive information.

Step 3: Share the Spreadsheet with the Service Account Email

The Service Account acts like a virtual user. You need to share the spreadsheet with the Service Account’s email address.

  1. Get the Service Account Email:

    • In the Details tab of your Service Account, locate the Email field.
    • It will look like: your-service-account-name@your-project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com.
  2. Share the Spreadsheet:

    • Open your Google Sheet in a browser.
    • Click the Share button.
    • Enter the Service Account email.
    • Set the permission to Editor (or Viewer if you only need read access).
    • Click Send.

Step 4: Create a new Genezio project

Genezio simplifies server-side development by providing pre-built templates that can quickly be deployed to work with various services, including Google Sheets. This makes it a great option for developers looking to build scalable, serverless applications without dealing with complex configurations.

We have prepared a couple of templates for you, depending what technology you want to use. Pick one of them, then click on the “Deploy now” button from one of the following Github repositories:

Pro tip: With Genezio’s serverless infrastructure, you don’t need to worry about maintaining servers or scaling your backend, making it perfect for projects where you need to scale quickly.

Step 5: Configure your project to access the spreadsheet data

With the project deployed, go in the Edit Code interface in the browser and open the server/service-account-key.json file, and paste the contents of the service-account-key.json file you downloaded at Step 2.5.

You will now need your Spreadsheet ID. Find it by:

  • Open your Google Sheet.
  • The URL will look like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/SPREADSHEET_ID/edit#gid=0.
  • Copy the SPREADSHEET_ID part from the URL.

Open the server/backend.ts file in the Edit Code interface and set the SPREADSHEET_ID variable to your Spreadsheet ID that you just copied.

Step 6: Test your project

You can now re-deploy your project from the same Edit Code interface. Once the project is deployed, click on the View App URLs button to see the URL of your application. Open it to see your spreadsheet data in your app.

Step 7: See how this works

Explore the server/ and the client/ folders to see how the data is being read and exposed in the application.


By following this guide, you can programmatically access Google Sheets data through Genezio using a Service Account, a secure and scalable solution for server-side applications. Whether you’re working with Node.js, Express.js, or Typescript, these steps provide a straightforward way to connect your app to Google Sheets.


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